Where the authentic beauty of Taiwan unfolds
Humans of the silk road
Photography exhibition
Кафе, Humans of the silk road
Кафе’ is a collection of portraits that were taken along the Silk Road.For hundreds of years, this trade route offered interconnectivity between Asia, the Middle East and Europe. Salesmen, soldiers, and scholars moved and traded goods and ideas along this iconic route, stimulating culture and commerce to flourish.The last ideological dominator of the region – the Soviet-Union – packed its bags in the nineties, leaving people along the Silk-Road in a void between their past and a post-communist future. The subsequent collective search for a new Central Asian identity is a fascinating one to observe.‘Кафе’, meaning café in Russian, is a series of portraits that explore the essence of this continuing search. To redefine oneself within our
communities, to bridge the gap between a collective identity and an individual one, is a theme that finds resonance around the world to this very day.Seldom have trade routes had more impact on that many people. The timeless portraits, in all their beauty, bear witness to human perseverance and ingenuity.
Roel Ruttens (°1970) is a photographer whose work captures the essence of all things human.Through his lens, Roel often evokes a sense of wonder, blending documentary realism with an eye for detail and emotion.His portraits invite viewers into a deeper understanding of the world around them, encouraging everyone to take a closer look at the beauty of it all.
24.01.2025 : 18h-20h
elsewhere gallery
60 avenue François Clément
L-5612 Mondorf-les-Bains
with the presence of artist
24.01.2025 - 21.02.2025
elsewhere gallery
60 avenue François Clément
L-5612 Mondorf-les-Bains
street photography exhibition
unKnown TAIPEI
Chris Schuff
11.11.2024 - 29.11.2024
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